
2010-10-31 20:40 作者: 来源:原创 手机订阅 神评论

不要送人头。送人头指的是不必要的死亡导致把对面某个发挥的好的英雄喂成了不可阻挡的野兽。如果你不知道我指的是什么 不必担心。这篇指导帖的剩余部分会帮助你避免给你的对手送人头(从而一直在喷泉里面读秒等复活)那么看第2条。。。

如果你还是新手 请注意把自己保持在一个防守优先的姿态。新手往往容易不遵守这一条从而犯错。抱着塔小心的打钱比冲在线前面然后牺牲要好得多。就算前期没有人头 不死就是好得


(译者:原来所谓的从“易”到难 指的是易大师么0.0)选择一个容易上手的英雄。当你看到英雄的介绍时 下面的难度条会告诉你掌握这个英雄的难度。不要忽视这个!作为新手 你会发现你可以更好的享受这个游戏 如果你参考这个难度的话。难度较高的英雄会要求你对游戏有较深的理解才能玩好。

从远程英雄开始(译者:哦。。。看来不是易大师。易还是太难了)有些人可能会不同意 但一般来说远程英雄容易上手一些。冰弓 安妮 和女王 就是一些例子。她们允许你躲在很后面 然后从很远的地方进行骚扰。有些近战英雄比如雪人也比较适合新手。


游戏开始了就和别人一起去边路。3条线上一共有5个玩家,所有有一个人需要去中单。如果你是新手 请不要去胜任这个任务。中单会让你升级更快 但如果你某个英雄玩得不够好 会很悲剧。


从教学示范玩起。是的你没有听错!(译者:一句话非要重复那么多遍么。。。)如果你去打排位赛 那么至少知道你该做什么 否则这对别人是不公平的。就算你玩过dota 也去玩一次教学示例游戏(译者:又说了一遍)这样你就知道什么是躲草丛(dota里面没有的功能) 什么是混线 什么是推线 等等。


物品-从回蓝物品开始。有些人会认为这并不适合每一个英雄 也不一定适合每一个人的游戏风格。没错 不过对于新手来说 如果他能做到小心谨慎 那么他就需要一些魔法的续航从而可以远程使用技能来骚扰对手。 7蓝/秒的缀饰在早期游戏非常非常的有用。如果你的对手很多是法师 那么花500块把这个升级为圣杯是个不错的选择。除此之外 记住去使用每个英雄的推荐物品。他们总是不错的选择 而且如果你仔细去看这些物品你会发现有些偏向防守有些则偏向进攻-选择你最中意的吧。 注意一下每个英雄都有适合的鞋子 而早期提升你的移动速度是非常重要的


很多新手都会犯这样的错误(很多时候这个错误会直接让你死亡) 那就是不明白防御塔会怎么攻击。记住 如果你在塔下对对手的英雄造成了任何的伤害(译者注:不仅仅是直接的攻击 任何的dot伤害 比如teemo的毒 炮娘的E 安妮的熊)都会让塔立刻攻击你。除非对手就剩一丝血 而你血量很多并且有把握 否则不要越塔杀人!(译者:一味的模仿Z哥是会出事的)(当然 对于中等水平的玩家来说 越塔是可行的 不过直到你把这个有些弄清楚了 请不要尝试)


利用好你的小怪(就是那些电脑控制的一波接着一波出现的小兵们 顶在最前面并会攻击对手的小兵/塔/英雄)和小怪待在一起 在早期永远不要冲在他们前面。你的小怪会为你做一些事。首先 他们可以作为肉盾 比如你可以利用他们来减少ashe的**(W) 命中你的可能。其二,小兵会提供体积的碰撞 所以如果你的对手想要进攻你 他必须从你小兵旁边绕过去 如果你是远程而你的对手是近战 那么待在兵线后面骚扰是很有优势的


时刻关注小地图。这不是一个容易办到的事。不过在开始玩这个游戏的时候你就要努力去做到。比如 对手的5个英雄是不是都在小地图上?如果不是 你知不知道他们在哪? 他们大概会在地图的什么位置?很早的时候 有些人就会尝试gank(有组织的杀人)。 注意小地图上的一举一动。 如果有对手不见了 自己要提高警惕 待在离塔较近的地方。还有一条很有用的----“永远不要一个人去河道溜达!”

1. Don’t FEED.

Don’t Feed. Feeding is dying unnecessarily and thereby giving the enemy money, turning a good opponent into an unstoppable beast. Don’t worry if you don’t know what I mean – the rest of the guide will help you learn to avoid feeding the enemy team (and spending too much time dead). This leads me to #2 …


Play defensively if you’re new to the game! This is one of the biggest mistakes newbies make. It is far better to stay back near your turrets and farm gold carefully (in the early game) than to run ahead of your lines and die. It’s better to have few or no kills early game but NOT die.

3. Start out EASY.

Choose an easy champion. When you look at a champion’s profile, the “difficulty” bar tells you how hard it is to play that champion. Don’t ignore it! As a newbie, you will enjoy the game a lot more if you follow the difficulty guidelines. More difficult characters will require more depth of game knowledge to get kills and to generally do okay.

4. RANGED is easier.

Choose a ranged champion. Some people may disagree, but generally the easiest characters to play are ranged. Ashe, Annie and Sivir come to mind. They allow you to stand far back from your opponent and harass them from a distance. There are some easier melee Champions like Nunu that may also appeal to new players.

5. Don’t SOLO.

Start the game in a lane with someone else. There are three lanes and 5 players. Someone will have to solo. If you’re new to the game, you do NOT want to solo  It gives faster levels (because shared lanes mean shared XP) but unless you’re good with your champion, it’s not going to be fun.

6. Play the TUTORIAL.

PLAY THE TUTORIAL. You heard me. PLAY THE TUTORIAL! It’s not fair to come into a public game without any clue what you’re doing. Even if you’ve played DoTA, it’s worth a quick tutorial game. It will get you familiar with everything from basic movement to using brush to stealth (a feature not in DoTA), playing a lane, pushing a lane, etc.

7. Choosing ITEMS.

ITEMS – Start with a mana-regen item. Some may argue that this won’t work for every hero, and won’t work for every play style. That is true. But for a newbie who is going to be playing defensively, you need to be able to continue to use ranged abilities to harass enemy champions.The Meki Pendent and it’s 7 MP/5 is very, very useful in the early game. If you’re against a number of magic-using champions, upgrading it to a Chalice is not a bad use of 500G. Beyond that, stick with the RECOMMENDED items for each hero. They are always a good bet, and if you look at them you’ll usually notice that some are offensive and some are defensive – choose whichever suits your style. Note that one of the many forms of speed boots are recommended for every Champion, and it is strongly advised that you upgrade your movement speed early.

8. Understand TURRET AGGRO.

Understand TURRET AGGRO. One of the biggest mistakes newbies make (which almost always results in a death) is failing to understand turret aggro – the order in which enemy turrets choose their targets. The important thing to know is that IF YOU ATTACK AN ENEMY HERO THE TURRET WILL IMMEDIATELY TURN ON YOU. Unless an enemy has only a sliver of health, and you have full health and a lot of confidence, DONT ATTACK AN ENEMY BY THEIR TURRET! (Sure, for intermediate players there are many ways to attack a hero by their turret, but until you figure the game out, DONT DO IT!)

9. CREEP! (Use it)

Use your creep. (Creep are the little soldiers that mindlessly continue to spawn in waves, make their way to the front, and fight enemy creep/turrets/Champions) Stay with your creep. Never, ever push beyond your creep in the early game. Your creep do a few things for you. First, they create impediments to ranged abilities like Ashe’s Volley. Standing behind your lines makes Ashe less able to freely pick away at your health with Volley, for example. Creep also causes collision, meaning if your enemy wants to attack you, they have to walk AROUND your creep. If you’re playing a ranged hero and an enemy is melee, standing behind your creep is a great way to keep them from hitting you.

10. The BIG picture.

Be aware of the big picture. This is the least newbie of all of these tips, but nevertheless something you should start to consider from the start. Are all 5 enemy heroes visible on the map? If not, do you know where they are? What part of the map they are likely on? Pretty early on, some players will start to try to set up ganks (that is, a planned kill). Be aware of the map. If enemy heroes are missing, be on the defensive side, closer to your turrets. A useful quote from the feedback – “Never cross the river alone”“”




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