Josh 'Jatt' Leesman 拳头官方解说,北美LCS联赛赛事解说,S系列世界总决赛官方英文解说。
Josh 'Jatt' Leesman(拳头官方解说,北美LCS联赛赛事解说,S系列世界总决赛官方英文解说。)在9月12日2015英雄联盟世界总决赛小组赛抽签仪式后的分组形势直播中担任嘉宾,与欧洲 LCS 的解说 Deficio 和来自 LPL & IWC 的解说 Spawn共同分析各个小组的形势
“Balls in KR solo Q has played more games than other people boot-camping, and he was actually in Diamond 1 and FAILED to Diamond 2. He is put in practice and trying to be better but he is not on their level, not even better.”(Balls比其他在韩国集训的选手打了更多盘的韩服单排局,他也的确上到过钻一,却掉回了钻二。他是在不断的训练而且想要做到更好,但是,他和他们(指Huni,姿态和 Ziv)不在一个等级上,Balls也不能更好了。)
C9 现任AD选手Sneaky发表了如下推特:
“@RiotJatt why are u picking on balls ? I'm pretty sure there's more than just him in diamond 2.”——(Jatt 你为什么抓住balls不放?我100%肯定不止他一个(职业选手)还在钻二)
还列举了还在钻二的职业选手ID:“@RiotJatt bjergsen, turtle, aphro, xmithie”——比尔森,野龟哥,Aphrommo(CLG辅助),xmithie(CLG打野)
Huni(Fnatic上单):115盘单排 韩服大师375胜点
Balls(C9上单): 192盘单排 钻2 84胜点
@C9Sneaky Not trying to pick on anyone, I feel like currently he's an outlier.——(我不是想抓住某人不放,我只是觉得他现在是个局外人)
@C9Sneaky Balls has 80+ more games than anyone else in D2. It's not personal. I hope to see C9 do well at worlds——(Balls比其他钻二的职业选手多打了超过80盘单排,这不是私人的事情,我想看到C9能够在世界赛上做的更好)
@C9Sneaky Also Bjergsen, Turtle, Aphro, and xmithie have not demoted from D1 to D2 on multiple occasions.——(比尔森,野龟,Aphrommo 和 xmithie没有多次从钻1掉回钻二)
@RiotJatt how does this even matter ? darien and genja never played soloq in their life. soloq is completely different than competitive——这又有什么关系呢?darien 和 genja在他们的职业生涯里从来没打过单排。 单排和比赛是完全不同的。
SaintVicious(Gravity 现任分析师,前Curse打野)回应SOAZ和Jatt
@sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt alright Jatt ima draw the line here, questioning someones solo q ranking is pretty stupid——我在这里写几句:拿单排成绩质疑别人很愚蠢
Hauntzer (Gravity 现任上单)
@LolStvicious @sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt If soloq determined how well you did in competitive then I'd be the worst top in lcs——如果单排能判断你在比赛里能做到多好的话,那我就是LCS里最差的上单了。
Amazing (前TSM打野,现OG打野)
@RiotJatt @C9Sneaky Why do you even bring up soloQ rating in order to estimate someone's skill? It just fuels potential shit coming his way.——你为什么要用单排战绩来估计一个选手的能力?这只会激起更多对你(Jatt)的黑
Sheep (C9二队C9T辅助,现C9替补)
@LolStvicious @sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt wolf has been master tier like 90% of this season and he has a negative win rate on every support——Wolf(SKT辅助)这赛季90%的时间都在大师晋级赛上,他在每一个辅助英雄上都是负胜率。。
Monte (著名韩吹,前CLG教练,现任OGN解说,MSI官方解说,S系列世界总决赛评论席嘉宾,S5世界总决赛官方解说)却跳出来支持Jatt
I don't think @riotjatt did anything wrong accounting for all factors in his discussion of Balls. Pros may not like it, but it's his job.——我不认为Jatt在讨论Balls时考虑任何变数上做错了什么事情。支持者可以不喜欢这些话,但是这是Jatt的工作。
In my opinion, Balls' professional play has been sub-par this year and it's worth at least considering his solo queue performance.——在我看来,Balls的职业表现在今年已经进入了分水岭,至少讨论一下他的单排表现是值得的。
Pros will never like it when analysts discuss flaws in their play. Fact is, however, not everyone can be the best.——当分析师讨论在他们(支持的队伍)表现的时候,支持者永远不会喜欢这些论调。事实却是,然而,人无完人
I think pros should spend less time arguing with analysts on Twitter and just prove to us they're good at Worlds.——我认为支持者应该少花时间和分析师在推特上斗嘴,支持者应该证明给我们大家看他们(C9)能够在世界赛上表现出色。
FORG1VEN (Gambit gaming ADC)
@RiotJatt @MarcelFeldkamp @LolStvicious if soloq is not a good indicative of a 'current' level of a player then we shouldnt play!!!——如果单排是一个一个选手现状的好的指标的话,我们就不应该玩(英雄联盟)了!!!!
@RiotJatt Presenting the data itself was fine, just the phrasing you used seemed to be completely off. Analysing is your job afterall.——展示的这个数据本身没有问题,只是你使用的措辞似乎有点不妥。毕竟分析才是你的工作
@LolStvicious @RiotJatt Soloqueue has been completely shit anyways for 2 straight seasons. I dont give a ** anymore if botlane goes 0-20——单排不管怎样完全就是废柴已经两整个赛季了。我永远不会去帮一个没杀到一个人却死了20次的下路
@LolStvicious @RiotJatt Soloqueue in both NA and EU is a complete clown fiesta, nothing to add——在北美和欧洲单排只是看运气的,其他不说什么。。。
soloq is just luck zzzzzzz——单排只是看运气
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