Riot平衡英雄的方式by Phreak

2010-10-31 22:17 作者: 来源:原创 手机订阅 神评论




这是我们在beta版中重做流浪法师Ryze的部分原因,也许也是下个补丁削弱流浪法师Ryze大招的部分原因。每局都对抗固定的英雄,真的没什么乐趣。并且说实在的,流浪法师Ryze在3v3地图中是高端角色。记得2周前的那些呼吁“增强蒙多”帖子么?记得那些当蒙多出现后,抱怨“这尼玛!RIOT ,蒙多太TM强力了,你TM做了些什么?”的帖子么?以上。



Originally Posted by Phreak  
I specifically asked for Fiddlesticks changes, and to be honestly, I want Corki nerfs too, but because he's not that big of an issue for the player base at large, this isn't really an important task yet.

So there's basically two things that happen, to be honest:

Character's that are too weak, like Evelynn, but stomp on casual players... well we're going to keep them weak. This was specified in Zileas's interview. Yes that means that unless she is remade to an extent, she won't become top-tier viable. We have 40+ other champions to play, so I really don't care that I can't FP Evelynn as a tournament strategy.

This was part of the reason we had the Ryze remake in beta, and maybe even part of the reason Ryze's ultimate was nerfed next patch. It's really not fun to fight against for certain champions. And to be honest, Ryze is a top tier champion on Treeline. Remember all those "buff Mundo" posts dating back from 2 weeks ago to the inception of the champion? Remember all those "HOLY **** RIOT MUNDO IS OP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" when Mundo came out? That.

Then on the flip side there are certain champions that are really good at certain skill levels, like Corki and Anivia, that just aren't utilized in a lot of skill tiers. There was a thread in Champion Feedback asking why Corki hasn't been buffed. I went in and wrote a full page on why Corki was awesome. The next 3 posts were "Wow Phreak, are you trolling us? I've only seen him feed!" So in those cases, I guess we don't need to nerf Corki in general. And to be honest, he's not Alistar or Taric in terms of power, so it's really not a high priority issues. Sure he's great in a tournament setting, but tournaments have bans and such, and if Corki really becomes an issue, we'll deal him when we need to.

So on the Evelynn point, as Zileas has said, if a champion is an issue for too many of our players, then it's an issue. It doesn't matter if we're "right" and he has possible counters. For example, good players know to get Wards, Oracles, etc. But Evelynn stomps casual players. We have no real reason to buff her without reworking some of her mechanics. Even if Fiddle is "technically balanced," he's not fun to fight against for a lot of our players. Maybe the AP ratio on Crowstorm gets nerfed, maybe the number of bounces or the projectile speed of Dark Wind gets changed. He's still going to be viable, just as Ryze is still an excellent champion on Twisted Treeline. The point is he will become more fun to play against, and that's really one of the primary goals when designing any champion: Is there anything I can actually do to combat him, or am I screwed no matter what? That's why Destiny doesn't slow anymore. No matter what you're doing, you were slowed to a crawl, and he was going to land on top of you with a Gold Card.



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