发这个帖子不只是为了八卦, 而是希望各位玩家能通过这次事件思考一下自己的行为对游戏环境的影响."不给中就送", "被杀了几次就开始挂机"等等国服非常著名的行为难道不正是这次事件的翻版吗?
如果各位还不知道这件事情的话, CLG的Saintvicous今天恶意坑爹了一天了. 在另一名玩家(Tigeg)希望打野并且选择了盲僧之后, Saintvicious决定不管配置, 选择了另一个打野英雄(巨魔), 并且整场游戏一路跟着Tigeg出入野区. 当这场游戏结束后, 他掉线了并且收到了这条被封停的信息:
同时, 在官方论坛, TSM的队长Reginald, 也因为开恶性玩笑说他将取消Saintvicous在TSM网站上的专题直播而被封停论坛账号两个月.
而Saintvicous, 作为报复, 他开始直播DOTA2了...
这件事情在官网论坛上掀起了轩然大波, 无数玩家被删帖, 封号...
晚些时候, Riot官方的玩家社区老大对这次事件做出了正式的回应.
Hello everyone,
Earlier this evening we made the decision to temporarily suspend CLG’s Saintvicious following a game where several Riot employees watched him intentionally troll another player on his team as that player was attempting to jungle. Saintvicious followed the player around for over 20 minutes stealing experience and gold from the player as he publically stated his that his intentions were malicious.
今天早些时候, 我们决定暂时封停CLG的Sainitvicious的账号. 原因是几名Riot的员工在直播上看到他恶意坑他队伍中的另外一名打野玩家. Saintvicous跟随了这名玩家二十分钟以上并且从他那里偷取经验和钱, 并且公开地表达出恶性的意图.
He was not banned for attempting new strategies, but for being a toxic force in an otherwise positive game – and in front of thousands of other players.
他不是因为"尝试新的战术"而被封停的, 而是因为他对于一场正常游戏的恶性行为--并且是在几千名观众面前.
We definitely do not condone such behavior, and firmly believe that popular players who have a platform to set an example for standards of behavior should consider it an obligation to represent competitive League of Legends in a professional and well-mannered way.
我们绝对不会宽恕这种行为, 并且我们认为, 作为一名拥有行为榜样效应的人气玩家更应该考虑自己对于这个游戏环境的义务, 通过专业与节操来给其他玩家树立榜样.
While we do not regularly monitor streams – when we do happen to see egregious cases of reprehensible conduct that are broadcast to large audiences, we will definitely take action.
当然我们并不会时常监视直播--但是当我们看到有人在如此多得观众面前做出恶性行为时, 我们绝对会采取行动.
Thank you for your understanding and we’ll see you on the Fields of Justice!
非常感谢各位的理解, 我们在正义之地见!
个人对于这次事件的想法是, 无论你是公众的明星玩家也好, 普通的玩家也好, 在做出恶性游戏行为时就应该受到惩罚.
发这个帖子不只是为了八卦, 而是希望各位玩家能通过这次事件思考一下自己的行为对游戏环境的影响.
"不给中就送", "被杀了几次就开始挂机"等等国服非常着名的行为难道不正是这次事件的翻版吗?
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