Kayle: As you should know, Kayle usually isn't a particularly popular champ. One reason for this is her very long cool-downs. Although she deals a good amount of damage, to do so she depends on her E. URF takes care of this problem beautifully, and furthermore, she can use her ult approximately every 18 seconds. How to kill an Angel? This is a problem worth thinking about…
Annie: Once Annie gets to level 6 she can summon Tibbers, combine this with the fact that she can have a stun available about every 6 seconds and her E practically doesn't have a cool-down, and killing Annie becomes very, very difficult in URF mode.
Master Yi: URF Master Yi revives the glory days of the old Master Yi. Sneak around destroying turrets and assassinating foes while the enemy team is helpless to catch up with you.
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