摘 要
问:what is biggest regret of your game career? how do you deal with anti fans?
答:My biggest regret is how I ran TSM season 2 &3. We were not focused and didn't work hard enough.
How I deal with anti fans? I try to just focus on my goals rather than thinking about them .
问:How hard was it to let Xpecial go? Not just benched but to an actual different team.
答:Benching Xpecial was the second hardest decision I've ever made. After we decided to go with Gleeb, I reached out to curse to make sure that Xpecial had a team to go to. He is a great player and will do well on Curse.
问:So was Chaox your hardest decision or was it you stepping down?
答:Before I benched Chaox... I cried and puked for several days. He was my closest friend at one point. We no longer talk though.
问:How is Gleeb doing in scrims and such? Does he match your expectations?
答:I didn't expect Gleeb to do well in scrims and I thought he was average solely because he was an amateur ... (very similar to what everyone else is thinking) . Not only did he exceed my expectations , but the entire team's expectations. He brings much more than just his play.
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