极地大乱斗嚎哭深渊 两位老板与地图细节彩蛋

2013-05-27 12:08 作者:supsley 来源:原创 手机订阅 神评论


毕竟是张新作的图,可以看出 RIOT 对它别出心裁之处, 这篇文章主要是和大家介绍一下嚎哭深渊的两位商店管理员,和普罗(小编注:嚎哭深渊的中立生物)˙ˇ˙


        "If you want these weapons, you'll have to earn them. Get into battle!"



        "You've earned your place in the afterlife my friend."



        "They must tremble at the sight of you."



        "Be careful with that. True Ice is powerful stuff."



        "Battle is a lot more interesting than shopping you know..."



        "Oh, No, take your time I'm already dead!"



        "If you aren't winning, try a bigger sword, usually works."



        "Guaranteed to help you kill things."



        "Good choice! That one's seen a lot of blood."



        "Nice choice."



        "Oh, you're looking for a challenge I see..."



        "To the victor go the spoils."



        "Take this."



        "Cold steel."



        "Bought with blood."



        "There's more killing to do."



        "Worth an Iceborn."



        "A mighty weapon."



        "Frejlord's finest."



        "That one's magical, I think."



        "Sharpen it on their skulls."



        "Fight for Frejlord."



        "Strike like an Iceborn."



        "Shouldn't you be killing someone?"



        "Ahahaha, I've crushed my share with that one."



        "A true warrior brings only his fist to battles."



        "Artifacts for the worthy."



        "It's an ancient artifact, uh, but it's still good."




        当冰晶凤凰 - 艾尼维亚 来到商店时:

        "I welcome you, Cryophoenix."


        "I remember your sacrifice."


        "If the watchers return, we will need you Anivia."

        要是守望者回来的话,我们会需要你的,冰晶凤凰 - 艾尼维亚



        当寒冰射手- 艾希来到商店时:

        "You carry an Iceborn weapon, Ashe, use it wisely."

        你带著冰裔的武器,寒冰射手- 艾希,好好使用吧。

        "Is that Avarosa's bow, do you know what happened to her?'"


        "You look so much like my queen."




        当复仇焰魂 - 布兰德来到商店时:

        "Not sure this is your kind of store . . ."




        当酒桶- 古拉加斯来到商店时:

        "A man of Iceborn girth!"


        "After you win the battle, let's talk brewing it was a hobby of mine."




        当请点选观看图片冰霜女巫 - 丽桑卓来到商店时:

        "Seeker, you still live?"


        "Who do you speak for - the Watchers or the Iceborn?"

        你现在站在哪一边 - 守望者还是冰裔?

        "What happened to Avarosa?"




        当 唤潮鲛姬 - 娜美 来到商店时:

        "Sorry, fresh out of moonstones."





        当雪人骑士 - 努努 来到商店时:

        "Have you considered riding a boar?"


        "The yeti can be powerful allies if the Watchers return."


        "I tried to ride a yeti once . . . it, uh, didn't work too well."




        当狂战士 - 奥拉夫 来到商店时:

        "Find your destiny in battle Olaf!"

        在战斗中寻找你的命运,狂战士 - 奥拉夫

        "Battle brings out the ice in your blood, brother!"


        "You will find truth in death."





        "Got any Graggy Ice for me? C'mon, just a drop!"

        有没有 Graggy Ice 能分给我啊?拜託,一滴也好!

        (Graggy Ice 是 RIOT 的官方酒类饮料,就是贴在哥拉夫头上的那两罐。)



        当凛冬之怒 - 瑟庄妮 来到商店时:

        "Lucky boar . . ."


        "Iceborn blood is strong in you Sejuani!"

        你身上的冰裔血统相当强呀,凛冬之怒 - 瑟庄妮

        "You look like Serylda, that woman knew how to fight!"





        当巨魔之王 - 特朗德尔 来到商店时:

        "Watch yourself, troll, I've killed my share of your kind."


        "Uuggh! Smells like something died in here!"


        "Even trolls have kings now? Hah!"




        当蛮族之王- 泰达米尔来到商店时:

        "Rage unlocks the power in your blood, Tryndamere."

        愤怒会解放你血中的力量,蛮族之王- 泰达米尔

        "Such anger, can you control it?"


        "You understand the blood price."




        当野兽之灵- 乌迪尔来到商店时:

        "Welcome, honored shaman."


        "You still follow ancient ways."


        "May your spirits guide you."




        当雷霆咆哮 - 沃利贝尔 来到商店时:

        "The Ursine have always been our allies."


        "Visions are only warnings, you can save Frejlord!"


        "If I sound the horn, will the Ursine answer the call?"





        "A Yordle? Bah!"





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