极地大乱斗嚎哭深渊 两位老板与地图细节彩蛋

2013-05-27 12:08 作者:supsley 来源:原创 手机订阅 神评论


毕竟是张新作的图,可以看出 RIOT 对它别出心裁之处, 这篇文章主要是和大家介绍一下嚎哭深渊的两位商店管理员,和普罗(小编注:嚎哭深渊的中立生物)˙ˇ˙


        紫方的老板则是隐士莱特(Lyte the Hermit)。



        "Don't you see what this means? The whole history of this place! Perhaps even all of Runeterra could be...er... wait, what was I talking about again?"



        "Books, books, books, why haven't I dug up any books? Wait of course! Barbarians can't read."



        "I'm still putting the pieces together, but... something terrible happened here, long, long ago..."



        "My name is Lyte, and this is my robot, Geeves! Welcome to the dig site."



        "I was once an honored professor at the Academy of Science and Progress in Piltover. I gave it all up to pursue true knowledge."



        "These runes say, "Beware the Frozen Watchers." Hmm... does that mean anything to you?'

        这些符文上写著:「小心冰霜守望者 」,嗯...这有让你想到些什麽吗?


        "The strangest thing about true ice is... it never melts! I put a piece in a furnace and it froze the darn thing solid!"



        "These runes say, " The Seeker betrayed the Tribe." Hmm... who was this seeker?"

        这些符文上写著:「 探索者背叛了部族。」嗯...探索者是谁呀?


        "Look at the size of this Gauntlet! I thought it was a hat! Hm, the Iceborn must've had massive hands!"



        " Frozen Mallet... even their tools were frozen."



        "Yes! Yes! I think I've got it...! Aw, I lost it..."



        "If I can only unlock the power of true ice, I will transcend the limitations of techmaturgy!"



        "The problem with Piltover is they are always looking forward. Sometimes, there is much to be learned from the past."



        "Tea... hm, what should I have with my tea today? Biscuits? No, too many crumbs! Can't have crumbs, might contaminate the site."



        "Hmph, yes, heh heh..."



        "Yeah, this ice is strange... could it be - true ice? Nah!"

        对耶,这块冰好奇怪...难道会是 - 极冰吗?才不是咧!


        "A piece of the Frozen Watchers? Hmm... yes, perhaps...hmm."



        "Oh, tea's cold."



        "My research will bring a golden age to Piltover!"



        "Robot stands for 'Rusty Old Broken Obsolete Trash'! See what I did there?"

        机器人是 " 又老又鏽的废物垃圾 " 的缩写!懂我在说什麽吗?


        "Have you seen my robot? He probably fell in the abyss. Again..."



        "I've been digging here for twenty years. Just getting down to the good stuff!"



        "I miss Piltover so much but... but these artifacts are fascinating. I just can't leave."



        "Sometimes, I think I see things down in the abyss. But I might just need new glasses."




        "The magical power of true ice seems unlimited! Oh, if only I could tap into it."



        "If a sword forged from true ice is this powerful, just imagine what a true ice hextech device could do!"



        "Did the Iceborn rule this place or was it the Watchers? These runes are so unclear."



        "Need more artifacts! If only that blasted ghost wasn't around."




        "It's a shame to sell these artifacts, but I need supplies badly."



        "So many people have died here, I should call this place Murder Bridge... no, no, the Howling Abyss is definitely cooler!"


        (Murder Bridge 是国外玩家对这张地图的戏称。)


        "Tell that ghost to stop interfering in my research."



        "That howling noise is just the wind...isn't it?"




        "Do they still talk about me back at the academy?"



        "If I die here frozen and alone...tell them I did it for science!"






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