极地大乱斗嚎哭深渊 两位老板与地图细节彩蛋

2013-05-27 12:08 作者:supsley 来源:原创 手机订阅 神评论


毕竟是张新作的图,可以看出 RIOT 对它别出心裁之处, 这篇文章主要是和大家介绍一下嚎哭深渊的两位商店管理员,和普罗(小编注:嚎哭深渊的中立生物)˙ˇ˙



        "I can tell you appreciate detail and craftsmanship."



        "Take your time! There is so much to learn."



        "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but, uh, there is a war going on out there."



        "To battle!"






        "For Piltover!"



        "Win one for science!"



        "You kill them, I'll keep digging."



        "Have fun storming the bridge!"


        (源自公主新娘的台词:Have fun storming the castle!)


        "Oh, I'm low on supplies... hope business picks up."



        "Bring me back something dangerous... or shiny!"



        "No time to shop? But I just put on a fresh pot of tea!"



        "Will you make up your mind? You're making my head spin!"



        "It's dangerous to go alone... take this."



        "Oh, you've done very well for yourself. I'll bring out the good stuff."



        "Such riches! Perhaps I'll finally be able to buy myself a better robot."



        "The only weapon a true scientist needs is his wits!"








        (这其实是书面的用语,WOW 的地精也会用这句话跟玩家打招呼。)





        "Good day!"




        "Warm yourself!"



        "Oh, come right in!"



        "Nothing but the finest."



        "Treasures from the ages, on sale now!"



        "What are you buying... what are you selling?"


        (恶灵古堡 4 的臭商店老板也会讲这一句。)


        "Welcome to the dig site!"



        "Finally a customer!"



        "I have all manners of marvelous things."






        "Thank you."






        "Very nice."



        "An artifact of ancient power."






        "A fascinating specimen."



        "A fine choice."



        "It's a little frozen, but it's still good."



        "That one's top drawer! I'll dig more of those up!"



        "They won't know what hit them... because they'll all be dead!"



        "Oh, yes, that one! Priceless! Now, hand over the gold!"



        "Frejlord's finest."








        当请点选观看图片寒冰射手- 艾希来到商店时:

        "That bow of yours, a unique artifact..."


        "You bear a striking resemblance to Avarosa."


        "Welcome, Ashe! The next Queen of the Freljord!"

        欢迎,寒冰射手- 艾希!弗雷尔卓德的下一任女王!

        (莱特对凛冬之怒 - 瑟庄妮 也是这麽说。)




        "Would you like a job, Blitzcrank? I have an opening for an assistant."


        "Er... 'beep'... uh, 'boop'. Is that how you say it?"

        唉... " 哔 " ...唉," 噗 "。你刚刚是这麽说的吗?



        当请点选观看图片皮城女警 - 凯特琳来到商店时:

        "I swear, officer, I have a permit to dig here."


        "I knew your mother! Brilliant scientist."


        "Arrest that ghost for violation of... t-the Laws of Nature!"





        "Is it true what I've heard about you and Miss Crownguard... hmm?"


        (那尼 @0@ ?)

        "When I was your age, Ezreal, I was already a professor!"


        "Why don't you get a real job Ezreal? Help me here at the dig site!"


        "Study hard, and one day you could be just like me! Stuck in the cold... with a useless robot!"






        "Order, entropy... it's not a cycle at all!"


        (参照汉默丁格原本的台词:Order, entropy, a never-ending cycle.)


        "Did the academy send you, Heimerdinger?"


        "Welcome, professor. Let's compare notes."





        "I made a Mercury Hammer once, Jayce! It was much nicer. Bigger, too!"


        "Together, we could make a... a transforming robot!"




        当请点选观看图片冰霜女巫 - 丽桑卓来到商店时:

        "You want to be Queen as well? Too many Queens!"


        "Are you the sand witch I have heard so much about? Hmm... now I'm hungry."


        (沙漠女巫是之前程式被破解而被玩家挖出来的英雄 Seth。)

        (Sand Witch 听起来很像 Sandwich,所以...。)

        "Can you turn off that ice? I'm cold enough as it is!"





        "I knew your father, Orianna, nice fellow."


        "You look just like her..."




        当凛冬之怒 - 瑟庄妮 来到商店时:

        "Does your boar like to eat robot?"


        "You bear a striking resemblance to Serylda!"


        "Welcome, Sejuani! The next Queen of the Freljord!"

        欢迎,凛冬之怒 - 瑟庄妮 !弗雷尔卓德的下一任女王!

        (莱特对寒冰射手- 艾希也是这麽说。)



        当皮城执法者 - 蔚来到商店时:

        "Uh, Vi? Can you punch some sense into my robot?"

        唉,皮城执法者 - 蔚?你能帮我把一些理智敲进我的机器人裡吗?

        "You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that..."


        (有些玩家特别注意这一点,或许皮城执法者 - 蔚的姐妹会在游戏或故事裡出现,或是已经出现过了。)

        "Do you and Caitlyn get along or not? Seems ambiguous."

        你跟皮城女警 - 凯特琳到底处不处得来呀?感觉还蛮暧昧的呢。



        当时光守护者- 基兰来到商店时:

        "Is there an alternate timeline where this robot functions correctly?"


        "Nice beard, Zilean! But mine is bigger!"

        鬍子真好看,时光守护者- 基兰!但我的鬍子更壮观!

        "In your past, did you know of the creatures who once lived here?"





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